My landlord built a pigeon coup next to my window. Is that legal?

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New Member
My landlord has built a contraption to capture pigeons in and it is located less than a foot away from my bedroom window. I am worried because there are pigeon droppings in my air conditioner and I am too afraid to turn it on. Pigeons carry deadly diseases and having pigeons right next to my window does not seem safe. What if I get very sick? I also think they might be capturing them to eat them.

I also have an another issue about mold all over the walls in the apartment. The mold has even made holes in the ceilings. We have had this issue for a long time now and the landlord has not taken any action.
Yes I live in Brooklyn, NY. I have not made written requests but have verbally addressed the issue with mold many times. I am not too sure how to address the situation about the pigeon coup. They have built it without even informing us. Are they allowed to do that? In my eyes that is a major health issue.
Yes I live in Brooklyn, NY. I have not made written requests but have verbally addressed the issue with mold many times. I am not too sure how to address the situation about the pigeon coup. They have built it without even informing us. Are they allowed to do that? In my eyes that is a major health issue.

Start by contacting your local elected city officials, building department, health department, housing department, and the Office of your Mayor.
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