my landlord has been forclosed on

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New Member
I have been renting a home for the last several years. The home is in Alabama but my landlord lives in Costa Rica. While I was working out of state last week a Real Estate Agent showed up on my door step and informed my wife that he worked for the bank that now owned the property and wanted to know if we had a signed lease and how much we paid in rent. We haven't had a signed lease since the first year as the landlord no longer lives in this country, but we have continued to pay rent regularly . I also have done the maintainence on the home and my landlord has let me deduct any major expenses from the rent. My question is should I give this Real Estate Agent the info that he wants and if not what should I do?
I wouldn't give the real estate agent anything. I would find out who actually owns the home as soon as possible. You can search the county records to see who owns the property. I don't know what county you are in but you should be able to find the proper place relatively easily, especially if you can contact the courthouse in your county who can direct you to the right place. Good luck.
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