My landlord has put rats in my personal hygiene products make up

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My landlord had entered the premises without notification
While I dropped my children at school I returned home to retrieve my backpack for class. I found baby mice in my baskets underneath the sink where I keep my personal hygene products. I asked about a mold smell because I have smelled it and he came in and put baby mice on the counter top.
Cut open non parish able flour and pancake mix.
I recently sound some type of sludge in my face lotion. After he was here replacing he toilet. I don't recall this ever being in this product I buy from the beauty supply store. We made a verbal agreement to resolve the remaining of the deposit in monthly installments. What ever extra money I have which may vary because I'm on a fixed income. I usually struggle to make payments. Because of my student loans. I am asking for help with this situation because I have asked on several occasions to terminate my lease. I am a section 8 recepiant and I have had the most terrible time with any issue I address with him. Where can I find some one to try and figure out what this sludge is in my face products? And is it lawful for another land lord to try and intimidate me? Or call my land lord to tell him when I'm not home to do these types of things. I have gone to ask a about it to him and he said I'm dullisonal. I understand he will try to prove I'm making things up. Because I have skin problems that I have not had before. Is there any resolve to this issue. I do feel like making a police report. If I didn't already know one of the co owners is a former police officer and seems to have influence over what they do.
Admittedly it's going to be virtually impossible to prove.

Do you have any reason why you would be sabotaged?
You can take the "suspicious" products to a laboratory. It'll cost quite a sum of money, but the lab can tell you if the products have been contaminated. Unfortunately, the analysis can't tell who put the sludge in the products.

You can conceal video cameras in your home. That might reveal who's doing what. It's worked for some people.

You're behind on your rent. I suggest you let your contact at Section 8 know. Tell them everything. Maybe they can help. You may not wish to do it, but moving is your only way to fix this.
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