My landlord is accusing me of drug use


New Member
My boyfriend and I moved into an apartment in August. We often smelled marijuana coming through the vents but never felt the need to say anything. Recently, new people moved into the apartment above ours. Ever since we were receiving emails and voicemails about marijuana odor coming from our apartment. I believe this is because of our young age. We have never used any drugs especially on the property. We recently experienced a water leak in the bathroom and they cut a hole in the ceiling but didn't fix the problem and left it like that for a few days. Earlier this morning we smelled marijuana coming from the vent in our bathroom and called the tenant to inform her about it. Both her and the maintenxe crew came in to check it out but she was there to just check out our apartment. She was looking for something to accuse us with. She then mentioned she was tired of giving us warnings about the marijuana odor. We both told her we would be happy to get drug tests but she said that she wasn't legal able to do that. I feel like the tenant needs to stop harassing us and this might even be discriminatory against our age. Is there anything that we can do to stop this?
Your post doesn't raise any legal issue. If you don't like what your neighbors are doing, see if the landlord will intervene, and if that doesn't work, move.
Or, for a hundred or two, you can get a lawyer to write her a scary looking letter telling her to stop bothering you.

Meantime, if you smell marijuana, report it to the LL.

Just keep in mind that PA has a medical marijuana program so there might not be anything anybody can do about the smell these days.
Is there anything that we can do to stop this?

Even IF a legal remedy existed (which others pointed out, DOESN'T), when your lease comes up for renewal, you're likely to receive a letter from the landlord notifying you of nonrenewal of your lease.

I'd look for a new home ASAP, and make an offer to your landlord that you're willing to move as a peace offering to the complex, if you're allowed to break the lease without any additional costs.

If an agreement is reached, be sure to ask for it in writing and make sure all parties involved sign and date it.

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