Roomate My landlord tells everything that happens in my house.

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My landord keeps discussing things with people about my home. My neighbor and he son are best friends, so her son tells him everything. My neighbor then tells my boss, who used to live in my house. I hadn't spoke with him in about 9 months and when I did he started telling me everything from my roommates to a legal case that was going on evolving my landlord, myself and a guy was going to rent a room to as a roommate. My boss knew the whole case. Now, I have a new roommate that has never met my landlord. And have never told her his name or introduced her. He went behind my back and contacted my landlord and asked for a copy of my DWP bill and my lease that contains only my name. He gave her a fake name and she freely gave up this information. She then emailed me telling that she emailed the bills etc to my roommate Trevor. I have no roommate named Trevor. So without knowing who this person was she discussed my lease, bills and other things without my knowledge. Since my roommate went behind my back and did this I have given him a 30 notice. This is a trust issue. But now I feel my landlord caused this whole thing and rent is coming due. She also is now wanting to do a new lease.

Is this illegal for her to do this? Provide them with copies of my lease and bills. To discuss my household. He could have been a ex, stalker or killer and she freely gave him all of this information.
My landord keeps discussing things with people about my home. My neighbor and he son are best friends, so her son tells him everything. My neighbor then tells my boss, who used to live in my house. I hadn't spoke with him in about 9 months and when I did he started telling me everything from my roommates to a legal case that was going on evolving my landlord, myself and a guy was going to rent a room to as a roommate. My boss knew the whole case. Now, I have a new roommate that has never met my landlord. And have never told her his name or introduced her. He went behind my back and contacted my landlord and asked for a copy of my DWP bill and my lease that contains only my name. He gave her a fake name and she freely gave up this information. She then emailed me telling that she emailed the bills etc to my roommate Trevor. I have no roommate named Trevor. So without knowing who this person was she discussed my lease, bills and other things without my knowledge. Since my roommate went behind my back and did this I have given him a 30 notice. This is a trust issue. But now I feel my landlord caused this whole thing and rent is coming due. She also is now wanting to do a new lease.

Is this illegal for her to do this? Provide them with copies of my lease and bills. To discuss my household. He could have been a ex, stalker or killer and she freely gave him all of this information.

Your house could be bugged.

A private investigator can be hired to tell you if that is the case.

Or, you can contact your local police, and see what they say.
My landord keeps discussing things with people about my home. My neighbor and he son are best friends, so her son tells him everything. My neighbor then tells my boss, who used to live in my house. I hadn't spoke with him in about 9 months and when I did he started telling me everything from my roommates to a legal case that was going on evolving my landlord, myself and a guy was going to rent a room to as a roommate. My boss knew the whole case. Now, I have a new roommate that has never met my landlord. And have never told her his name or introduced her. He went behind my back and contacted my landlord and asked for a copy of my DWP bill and my lease that contains only my name. He gave her a fake name and she freely gave up this information. She then emailed me telling that she emailed the bills etc to my roommate Trevor. I have no roommate named Trevor. So without knowing who this person was she discussed my lease, bills and other things without my knowledge. Since my roommate went behind my back and did this I have given him a 30 notice. This is a trust issue. But now I feel my landlord caused this whole thing and rent is coming due. She also is now wanting to do a new lease.

Is this illegal for her to do this? Provide them with copies of my lease and bills. To discuss my household. He could have been a ex, stalker or killer and she freely gave him all of this information.

It's not illegal because there is no law against what she's doing. Unfortunately your rights to privacy are very few, and mostly concerning medical information. In other words, gossips will (as they always have) talk freely about thing which are none of their concern.

Ignore it.
Agree, generally there isn't much you can do in a case like this except ignore it. You certainly are free to contact the police & see what they say though.
The police will say, "Sorry, this is a civil matter."

The police are not going to sweep the residence for bugs. They are not going to talk to the landlord about gossiping about you. They are not going to care that the landlord showed or gave your roommate a copy of the lease and your DWP bill. Your choices here are either to move, or remain in the residence under these conditions. Frankly, if it bothered me as much as this bothers you, I'd move out.

If you do feel your unit is bugged, you can - as previously suggested - pay a PI to sweep the property for listening devices. But, it may just be that your kids' talk and that's how stuff gets passed along. There's no law to prevent that or to make someone shut up about stuff they know.
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