Criminal Attorneys, Public Defenders My lawyer has me suspicious

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My lawyer has done a couple of things that has me concerned.

There is a person who we believe is the C.I. involved in causing police to come into my home with a warrant for him. But ended up arresting me and three others for having some paraphernalia and a little personal drugs and seizing owners personal gun collection. During one of our appearances the judge asked if this person had been arrested and the D.A. said there is a warrant for him as we speak.

I discovered that my attorney was the one who contacted this person and told him there was a warrant out for his arrest which helped this person avoid being arrested and was able to obtain an attorney and turn himself in and posting a bail.

2) When I looked on line at our case, I also looked up this person case and where it says attorney, is the name of my attorney. Although my attorney has stepped in for his attorney a couple of times because his attorney wasn't there yet. When I asked him about this he said his name was listed as the attorney because his attorney couldn't make it.

Does this sound right? Why is my attorney helping the very person who created this mess? Could there be a logical explanation?
Attorneys often have arrangements to pinch hit for each other.
They very little significant work in those arrangements, other than to appear and report the status of a case.
If you no longer have faith in your attorney, fire her or him, hire another.
If the attorney is court appointed, fire him at your next hearing, ask the court to appoint substitute counsel.
People disagree, but they need to suffer or worry.
They move on with a replacement attorney.
You have a choice, exercise it, or leave it be.
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