My lease over: What is roomates responsibility

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New Member
Hi. I entered into a 1 year lease and payed the entire deposit, though I had a roommate move in with me. Now the year has passed and my lease is month to month. Due to roommate issues I wish to move out and give my 30 days notice. My roommate has indicated that he will give as much trouble as possible if i do this. He has suggested he can somehow make if difficult for me to move out.
My concern is what could happen if I inform my roommate and my landlords that I am going to move out in a month. If I have completely moved out and my roommate refuses to leave how could this effect my lease and/or my security deposit? Would his not leaving be my problem or the landlord's problem?
Hi. I entered into a 1 year lease and payed the entire deposit, though I had a roommate move in with me. Now the year has passed and my lease is month to month. Due to roommate issues I wish to move out and give my 30 days notice. My roommate has indicated that he will give as much trouble as possible if i do this. He has suggested he can somehow make if difficult for me to move out.
My concern is what could happen if I inform my roommate and my landlords that I am going to move out in a month. If I have completely moved out and my roommate refuses to leave how could this effect my lease and/or my security deposit? Would his not leaving be my problem or the landlord's problem?

If the person's name isn't on the lease, he can't cause you that much trouble.
If the dud's name is on the lease, it becomes a bit more technical.
But, if he can't pay the deposit, he won't be able to stay.
I'm sure the landlord will release your deposit to you, if the dud isn't on the lease.
If you made a bigger mistake and put the dud on the lease, it complicates things.
He can damage the apartment, and it is imperative that you work with the landlord to get this dud out.
The dud may have to be evicted.
The dud may have ti be evicted, anyway.

So, give the landlord your notice.
If you and the landlord work together, it'll makes things harder for the dud.
There is no way that the dud can force you to stay.
Speak with the landlord personally and ask for his/her help to get the dud out and let you go free.

In the future, don't rent with roommates.
You see how complicated they can make your life.
I hope you don't get to see how EXPENSIVE they can be, when all you were trying to do was save money.
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