Unlawful Eviction my mother is my landlord, and mentally abusing me.

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Blair B.

New Member
Me and my fiance moved in with my mother two years or so ago, our agreement [verbal] was that we would help her out with a few things in exchange for a place to live so we could eventually save up and move out on our own. No real written agreements of any kind. She owned only 4 dogs and 2 horses, and we assumed that is what she wanted help with, which was fine...At first. It went from helping her with animals, to help her around the house, to her asking for help with bills. We were willing to pay half of them, and she agreed. Then more animals, and more animals started to take over. It has gotten to 20+ and she is disabled but refuses to get rid of any of them. She illegally disposes of horse manure by leaving it in the rain and creating toxic fumes right outside my window. She lost her job and told us we had to pay all the bills. We have been intimidated into doing it, out of fear that she would try and force us out by torturing us mentally throughout our stay. All the chores started piling up, so did the bills. We never agreed to any of this, but felt that if we didn't she would try to do something insane. Screaming at us, telling us we're worthless, that I'm her daughter and I should be ashamed for not treating her better or taking care of her. All of it has driven me to near suicidal thoughts, and I get panic attacks on a daily basis, I cannot leave my room without being worried about another confrontation. On top of all this, there is mice in the walls, mold from leaking pipes in the walls, and my electricity in our room is now dead, no working outlets. She claims she is not the landlord, yet owns the home -- a home that from what I understand wouldn't even be up to code or rentable by the laws in ca. What can I do about this? and can she kick me out any time she wants despite bank statements saying we have been paying bills under her name for years now??
What can I do about this?

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No one is forcing you to stay in what you believe to be filthy, disgusting, unhealthy conditions.

As the mother of the three little pigs said, " Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world."

can she kick me out any time she wants despite bank statements saying we have been paying bills under her name for years now??

No, she can't LEGALLY kick you out.

You can live in the filthy, deplorable, unsanitary, unhealthy conditions for as long as you choose to do so, or until she takes you to court and some JUDGE orders your eviction.

Not to worry, because you can MOOCH and LEACH off of "mammy" for another 10-12 weeks BEFORE a judge would issue such an order.

However, you could leave RIGHT now, if things are as bad as you profess.
Me and my fiance moved in with my mother two years or so ago, our agreement [verbal] was that we would help her out with a few things in exchange for a place to live so we could eventually save up and move out on our own. No real written agreements of any kind. She owned only 4 dogs and 2 horses, and we assumed that is what she wanted help with, which was fine...At first. It went from helping her with animals, to help her around the house, to her asking for help with bills. We were willing to pay half of them, and she agreed. Then more animals, and more animals started to take over. It has gotten to 20+ and she is disabled but refuses to get rid of any of them. She illegally disposes of horse manure by leaving it in the rain and creating toxic fumes right outside my window. She lost her job and told us we had to pay all the bills. We have been intimidated into doing it, out of fear that she would try and force us out by torturing us mentally throughout our stay. All the chores started piling up, so did the bills. We never agreed to any of this, but felt that if we didn't she would try to do something insane. Screaming at us, telling us we're worthless, that I'm her daughter and I should be ashamed for not treating her better or taking care of her. All of it has driven me to near suicidal thoughts, and I get panic attacks on a daily basis, I cannot leave my room without being worried about another confrontation. On top of all this, there is mice in the walls, mold from leaking pipes in the walls, and my electricity in our room is now dead, no working outlets. She claims she is not the landlord, yet owns the home -- a home that from what I understand wouldn't even be up to code or rentable by the laws in ca. What can I do about this? and can she kick me out any time she wants despite bank statements saying we have been paying bills under her name for years now??
My advice to you is MOVE.

As an aside...Please don't procreate as, per your above posting, it is doubtful you could handle the stress of children.
You are FREE to leave 30 seconds after you've read my response.

No one is forcing you to stay in what you believe to be filthy, disgusting, unhealthy conditions.

As the mother of the three little pigs said, " Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world."

No, she can't LEGALLY kick you out.

You can live in the filthy, deplorable, unsanitary, unhealthy conditions for as long as you choose to do so, or until she takes you to court and some JUDGE orders your eviction.

Not to worry, because you can MOOCH and LEACH off of "mammy" for another 10-12 weeks BEFORE a judge would issue such an order.

However, you could leave RIGHT now, if things are as bad as you profess.
Paying 600 dollars worth of her Bill's is not mooching. Your a really terrible and abusive person as well. You dont know how much I have been through in my life, how much I have survived through. This woman sold me as a child for sex, and I tried to forgive her and have a good relationship because I want a mother. I am naive and foolish for this, but at least I tried. Thank you for the legal portion of advice, but fuck you for trying to degrade me for trying to help my mentally I'll mother and fuck you harder for calling me a moocher. I hope you rot in hell.
My advice to you is MOVE.

As an aside...Please don't procreate as, per your above posting, it is doubtful you could handle the stress of children.


I dont want children and cant have them due to being brutally sexually abused as a child. Thanks for the advice, sleep well knowing you are a piece of shit who made fun of a victim of abuse.

I dont want children and cant have them due to being brutally sexually abused as a child. Thanks for the advice, sleep well knowing you are a piece of shit who made fun of a victim of abuse.
We had no way of knowing that you were sexually abused as a child. We are not mind readers. Why you would move into the home of the person that allegedly sold you for sex is beyond me. You should see a mental health professional to help you with your traumatic childhood.

You should also try to NOT talk like a pig.

ETA: The filthy language postings have been reported.
And that will be enough out of everyone. That means you too, Blue - you know better. I'm ashamed of you.
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