My neighbor seems to be harassing


New Member
I returned to my home-town just over a year ago, and it has been a crazy ride. My neighbor has called the cops numerous times on my sister and I, even though we haven't done anything. And this all basically started after her German shepherd attacked my older sister's pitbull, and almost KILLED her. She had to under-go surgery because her neck was seriously torn up, and even the vets were amazed that she was still alive. We've had the cops called on us about my dog bucking, he's a German Shepherd/Heeler...We've had them called because my sister was parked on the side of the street and our neighbor claimed that she was blocking her mail-box (which she wasn't.) Our neighbor has literally yelled at us for no reason, she's used foul language in-front of my two nieces...She has claimed that my dog has tried to attack her and her dog one time when he had gotten loose, but my dog never left the yard and unless she was taking her dog on a quick 5 second walk, there was no-way she'd be able to disappear that fast, because I was home and noticed that my dog was loose. The window was open, and I heard no barking or anything. I know for a fact that she had lied to the cops. She told the cop that my dog was aggressive, but he's never tried to harm another dog or person. I've noticed that my dog's harness, which I had him tied up with, was cut but I have no proof that she cut it, other then the fact the every time I had him tied up, she'd be outside pretending to play with her dogs. She still goes in the back-yard, but this time every-time we're outside, even if we're just hanging clothes on the cloth-line. None of the other neighbor's have complained, two of them even like my dog and say that he barely barks.

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