my niece is being mentally abused i believe.

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My niece is 6 and her mother is constantly saying that she want to kill her self and doent want her. She says these things all the time and yells at her daughter for no reason. Me and my husband have pretty much raised her since she was born and my niece wants to live with us because we actually give her attention and play with her unlike her mother who vary rarely does anything with her.

The situation right now is that my nieces dad in not in the picture, and never has been, but she went after him for child support and he pays only 150 a month and has never made any attempt to see her what so ever. We have saved text messages from my nieces mother (my sister) say how she doesnt want to be a parent anymore and that she just want to kill herself.

My main question is since we have my niece everyday after i get off work till her mother says she has to come home and go to bed and we have her just about every weekend and sometime threw out the week, what can we do to get custody of her since she is always ignored and when she tries to ask her mom a question she just yells at her and tells her to go to her room so she doesnt have to deal with her. And is the so called "baby daddy" have any say of the matter?

I need advice for this has gone on for the past 6 years and i dont want it to have long term effects on her. Please help. Thank You
If things are so horrible at Mom's, why have you not contacted DHR/DHS/CPS?
because we are afraid that she will get shuffled threw foster homes and honestly we have her most of the time and just really dont know what to do
because we are afraid that she will get shuffled threw foster homes and honestly we have her most of the time and just really dont know what to do

Report any and all crimes to the police, especially I children are in peril.
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