My old roommate says she trash/sold my stuff?

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New Member
My friend of 13 years and I got a place the lease was in her and her husband's name. I moved from az and signed the lease 2 weeks later. I moved my kids beds out on the 27th of april cause the environment became hostile and unsafe. She changed the locks and told me I can't come back or get my stuff from her until I paid may rent. Which I wasn't going. I drove my numerous times and she is never home for me to get my stuff and now she is saying she sold and trashed my stuff can she do that??
Your legal remedy is to sue her in small claims court in AZ.

That doesn't mean you'll prevail, but that's your only legal option.
The landlord could help get you in. Have you tried?
If your lease was with the landlord then your friend has no business extorting money from you.
Of course, the landlord may not feel inclined to help you either if you owe the landlord... and if the landlord isn't the one that changed the locks then your dispute remains with the friend.
If your stuff is trashed your resolution is in court. Unless it is a significant value for the loss it may not be worth pursuing.
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