Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks My prosecutor was fired

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I found out in Google that the D.A. that prosecuted my case was fired by the Department of Justice.
The spokesperson for the DoJ said only "He no longer works for the Department of Justice".That is all there is in Google.
I wish to know how to go about finding whether his being fired might have any relevancy to my case.
Would someone please tell me where I should write,who I should write to and provide a sample short letter about how I should phrase my request for information.
Based solely on what you have posted, he might have quit or transferred to another agency. What makes you think (first) that he was fired and (second) that of all the cases he worked on, it was YOUR case that got him fired (if, indeed, he was)? For that matter, even if he was fired, what makes you think it was because of one of the cases he handled and not because of something else? (Budget cuts, misconduct unrelated to the cases he was trying, etc.)
I found out in Google that the D.A. that prosecuted my case was fired by the Department of Justice.
The spokesperson for the DoJ said only "He no longer works for the Department of Justice".That is all there is in Google.
I wish to know how to go about finding whether his being fired might have any relevancy to my case.
Would someone please tell me where I should write,who I should write to and provide a sample short letter about how I should phrase my request for information.

Why not ask the press?
Members of the media have many sources.
Why not ask someone at a local tv station, radio station, or newspaper?
They might just KNOW what you're seeking to uncover.
If they do, they just might share!
Members of the bar also know.
Make the acquaintance of a few and ask.
Many hang out at watering holes near the courthouse.
Get one or two of them all "liquored up" and you'd be surprised at what some will tell you!
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