My Rig was flooded as I was away - Geico won't touch it


New Member
Left our rig at our RV park where we worked during the Summer/Fall season to go back
to our home base from December to Feb 12.

Turned off all water, drained all tanks. Did not unhook the hose from the input valve, but did unhook it from the 'faucet' - (water source).

Returned to find hose attached, and rig flooded from floor and into storage units in bays below.
All ceilings, walls, and upper cabinets fine and dry. No buckles, no swelling, no mold crawl.

Mold crawling about 4" above floor level on lower cabinets.

This is a 1999 Coachmen Leprechaun in beautiful shape, and we love this home on wheels.

Geico has said that it was lack of maintenance on our part, that it was due to cracks in the roof, and lack of caulking in joints on the front.

Why then - is our ceiling dry, our walls dry, and a 'crack' from the front would wet the back bed?

The Adjuster did not
a. use a moister (water) meter to find the bulk of moisture entry
b. attach a hose to see if there was a pipe burst (he said he could not do that due to liablility restrictions)
c. Ask to investigate the unit at the place it was parked? (he wanted it towed to the nearest body-shop repair facility).

We DO know that there was a substantial leak in the outside faucet (water source) (which we reported to maintenance in October)
We DO know that someone reconnected our hose to that faucet to
either to keep the ground from saturating and/or
hide the leak so it was not evident to the owner of the property.
(we know this because we had asked our manager to please check on our property and he found the hose reconnected).

Geico has assumed our claim denied - but suggested that we move the vehicle to an RV shop for a qualified opinion, water pressure testing, etc. to determine the cause "at our expense" until or unless they find new evidence to support our claim. None 0f this makes sense.