My roomates refuse to take me off the lease

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New Member
I had an emergency I had to attend and I gave my roommates 30 days notice saying that I had to leave the state. I gave them plenty of time to find someone to take over my lease.
Its been two months since I have been in the loft and I have emailed them, text them even called the leasing office to see what the status is with the lease and no response.
I have learned that my room has been rented out and not only that they are charging them more then it should be.

One of the girls who is on the lease she responded to me saying that nothing has been done that I am still responsible for someone to take me off the lease or I can buy my way out.

I dont know what to do about all this.
You need to speak to the LL to pursue what you want to do. You are responsible for the months the room was empty, but being it is now rented, you should have an argument to get off the lease. As far as to what the new tenant is paying is none of your concern so I wouldn't get caught up in that. Not being rude, but it is best if you leave that alone.
Guess I should also add, that if the LL agrees you are not longer responsible for the lease, get it in writing. Otherwise you may regret it in the long run.
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