My roommate wants me to move out with conditions

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New Member
My roommate asked two weeks ago if I would move out at the end of the month. We have not been gettting along since I moved in back in January. Our lease was a year and will not be up until January 2010.

I was more than happy to be taken off the lease and move elsewhere, since this is not a healthy living situation for either of us. However, I told her the end of the month would be too soon and asked if the middle of October would be okay. She said it would and would go down to our apartment office and give them permission to have me taken off the lease. A few days went by and when she didn't do this, I went down and asked what needed to be done. They gave me a form to be signed by the both of us, stating she would assume responsibility of the apartment and I would give up the deposit I made.

I filled out my section and gave the paper to her to sign. The next morning, she presented me with a letter of conditions that must be completed by me before she will sign me off the lease. I have no problem with the conditions, as I was going to clean my living space and pay rent and bills until the end of my new lease.

I am signing a new lease later next week and am worried that she will change her mind and wont sign me off the lease and I will be left paying double rent. Or that she will change her mind or say that I have not cleaned to her satisfaction. I have offered to have an apartment manager come in to do a walkthrough of my living area (bedroom, bathroom).

If she signs the letter saying she will sign me out of the lease on a specified day, is this legally binding?
The form she came up with has no legal "umph". Don't sign the new lease until (and unless) she signs the form provided by management.

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