MY roommates had me evicted from my home through ex parte

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New Member
I have been evicted from my own home by my roommates through false allegations that I threatened their lives. I had asked them to leave by the 15t of this month for verbal abuse and aggressive behavior. They were all packed and I told them they had to get out as it was the 19th by now.
They got the magistrate to sign an ex parte to have me removed from my house along with my guns and ammo as they claimed I threatened to shoot him. (the boyfriend)
I went to get my weapons from my room and there were pot plants on my bed. I was quickly arrested for manufacturing marijuana. They are still in my house. I cannot nor friends cannot be on the property. The police will not let me feed my horses and other animals.
My hearing is this Wednesday and I don't see my attorney till Monday. I don't know if he can even be there with such short notice. Can the state remove me from my house / THESE PEOPLE HAD NO PROOF OF RENTING, no key no lease agreement. Is this legal, Is the ex parte used for owners to evict tenants. not the other way around?
Yes, you allowed them into your home.

Sigh, this is why I don't permit houseguests.
I put them up in a hotel.

If your lawyer can't make it Monday, you can request a continuance.

In the interim, I suggest you follow the order to the letter.

If I were you, I'd worry more about my freedom than a few horses.

If you aren't careful, you could end up in prison!

Don't discuss this with anyone but your attorney.

You must be patient.

These creeps have you over a barrel and have you stripped naked.

Don't allow them to sodomize you by being stupid.

Wait. Patience. Your lawyer. Court hearing. In that order.
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