my son age 4...

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How do I go about seeing my son, age 4, when the father of him is trying to take a PPO on me and my new boyfriend. We are still currently married and I have moved out, found a job, and am looking for a more stable place to live. I am not homeless, I am currently staying with my boyfriend and his roommate. I am documenting every time I try to call my son, and my ex's mother refuses to let me speak with my son. I don't know where my son is most of the time, and when my adult daughter calls to talk to her baby brother, if they think that I am anywhere near her they will not allow her to talk to her brother...Is this legal??? I know what I have been told about my rights, however, they are still keeping me from him...I have never been without my son for more than 24 hours and this is killing me to not be able to talk to him and just tell him I love him...I hope he doesn't forget his momma,it has been almost 2.5 weeks since I saw him, because my ex won't let me see him either, if he knows that I am coming to town, he makes sure that they are gone. I have talked to Legal Aid, but I don't know if they are going to take my case or not...I need some help and it seems like I am never going to get to see my son, or talk to him again...I miss him so much...
How do I go about seeing my son, age 4, when the father of him is trying to take a PPO on me and my new boyfriend. We are still currently married and I have moved out, found a job, and am looking for a more stable place to live. I am not homeless, I am currently staying with my boyfriend and his roommate. I am documenting every time I try to call my son, and my ex's mother refuses to let me speak with my son. I don't know where my son is most of the time, and when my adult daughter calls to talk to her baby brother, if they think that I am anywhere near her they will not allow her to talk to her brother...Is this legal??? I know what I have been told about my rights, however, they are still keeping me from him...I have never been without my son for more than 24 hours and this is killing me to not be able to talk to him and just tell him I love him...I hope he doesn't forget his momma,it has been almost 2.5 weeks since I saw him, because my ex won't let me see him either, if he knows that I am coming to town, he makes sure that they are gone. I have talked to Legal Aid, but I don't know if they are going to take my case or not...I need some help and it seems like I am never going to get to see my son, or talk to him again...I miss him so much...

If he's your son via marriage, your righst are equal to dad's rights.

If a PPO is issued, you'll have to obey it, or face legal issues.

But, a PPO won't be issued until you've had an opportunity to defend the allegations.

So, make sure you go to court and fight the PPO.

Its also time to choose a boyfriend over a child, most peopel don't have trouble making the CORRECT choice.

If you can't support yourself, that could impact future court rulings, so get employment, or move in with a relative, not a boyfriend.

Finally, get that divorce, but make sure you get your say and make sure a child support issue reflects your voice as well as dad's.
I am only staying with my bf until I can find a place of my own. I do not chose a man over my son! I would never do that I love my kids, and my adult child is on board with me getting my son...she is going to help me. Both the kids have the same dad, and he wants to change his gender, will that help or hurt in the custody of my son? My adult child remembers drug abuse from her dad, and alcohol abuse, as well as verbal abuse towards her growing up. I do not want to say that he is not a good father, but right now he is having both kids call him 'mom'. I am going to have to do damage control when I do finally get to see my son...*sigh*
Also, on the 10th is when we are going to fight the PPO's. I just can't believe that my son's dad is being like this, I told him that we would share custody, and then he tried taking the PPO out on me, I am at a loss for what to do. I call everyday to talk to my son and my ex's mother is refusing me because she says that I owe her $35.00 for a phone bill, I feel that I was living there and that use of the phone is something that is included, she is just upset that I am leaving her son after 21 years, and that he is 'taking this really bad'. If I call and he answers the phone, I ask to talk to my son, and the dad hangs up on me...
no there is nothing, this is just started in August, on the 15th. They stopped letting me talk to him on September 1. When I call the soon to be ex mother in law, talks to me and asks me for money, so she will 'not let me use her phone' until I pay the bill. I think that is a horrible reason to keep a son from his mother.
no there is nothing, this is just started in August, on the 15th. They stopped letting me talk to him on September 1. When I call the soon to be ex mother in law, talks to me and asks me for money, so she will 'not let me use her phone' until I pay the bill. I think that is a horrible reason to keep a son from his mother.
Can you explain how long you have been separated from your husband and how it is he has child and not you? In addition why is there no court order for visitation or custody?
You need to fight the PPO.

You need to get divorced & set up custody/visitation/child support......
I left the abusive situation on August 15th officially. When I left, my spouse would not allow me to take him with me. I was in another county looking for work (which I found by the way). I am also setting up a place for my son and I to stay. The house that they are in is going into foreclosure due to nonpayment of the property taxes. They have not been paid since 2009. He is about to lose that house, so I needed to get a place for my son and I to go. I have spoken to legal aid, filed for divorce and I also told the attorney that I want sole custody of my son, there is a history of drug/alcohol abuse, my adult daughter is currently writing a statement so that when I go to court to fight the PPO I can show the judge that I was trying to protect my son, not HARM him. The only thing in this life that calms me down is having my son in my arms. I have a ton of people that are willing to testify on my behalf that I live for my kids, and that I am devastated that I am not allowed to talk to my son. I was told the other day that if I wanted to talk to him, that I should buy him a cell phone.
Character references and people that can testify to your abilities as a mother are very helpful.

Good luck. Life can get crazy sometimes, that's for sure.

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