My tenant recently passed away and she was 3 months behind in rent payments

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New Member
What do I legally do?
My tenant left no Last Will and she has no family in the US. My tenant has no children. One of her sisters from Korea came to her funeral but is soon going back & speaks almost no English. Do I need power of Attorney signed by the sister, to sell my tenant's furniture and car so that that money can repay the rent debt owed? Will I need other legal documents signed by the sister? Also, does the sister even have an obligation to pay her late sister's debt by giving the money from furniture sold to repay the rent?
Any money due would come from the estate, so from that end it would come from whoever sells her stuff. However, what you need to do is go to the courthouse and see about getting a judgment against her estate. That way it is legal.

Keep in mind that if she owed you say $1500, and they only get $1000 out of her stuff, then there's really nothing you can do to recoup the remaining $500.
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