Naturalization, Citizenship N-400 (citizenship) question

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New Member
Maybe I'm the only one with this problem, but some of the questions on the N-400 (application for US citizenship) are really ambiguous. :confused: I actually have several questions about the application. I could be reading too deeply into this one, but one of the questions regarding "Good Moral Character" asks if I've ever been "arrested, cited, or detained by any law enforcement officer for any reason." Now, I have to two traffic tickets (one for tailgating and one for speeding). I paid the fines and that was that. Am I supposed to list these two incidents? Also, would these traffic violations count as having "committed a crime or offense for which you were NOT arrested"?

When asked if I've ever "been a member of or associated with organization, assocation, fund, foundation, party, club or similar group in the US", should I list only nationally recognized groups (i.e. a fraternity/sorority, Girl Scouts, AMA, etc.)?
I can see these things being confusing. Detailed instructions on filling out the form can be found here:

It seems that even if you were detained by an officer because you looked confused you would answer "yes" but you should probably use your common sense. Traffic tickets may likely be an offense that you have to list as reading the instructions seems to state as such and there is also a record of these offenses. Speaking to an immigration specialist might not be a bad idea but that is the answer by default.

Regarding clubs, it is probably up to you what to include. It is also contained within the instructions.
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