Name Calling by Boss and Owner of the Company

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In two recent discussions my boss called me names, the first, several weeks ago, he called me a victim and yesterday he called me a Nazi. I happen to be a gypsy and proud of my ancestral heritage, as people know that I work with. My boss also happens to be recently gay. I have noticed a pattern with his abusive behavior, it always follows his own therapy sessions. He is the top of the ladder, I perform office management as well as being his personal and professional assistant and the hr/benefits manager. After he called me those names i told him it had offended me and that they were very harsh and not aligned to what I do nor were they professional forms of constructive criticism. He always belittles me and then tells me after I cry about how effecient and how i always do my work and that i am excellent in my work. After this recent conversation he apologized and said it wasnt politically correct, but that we were not working out and what "did i want" in terms of leaving the company. I am a single mom and have worked my butt off for this man and his organization, including uncovering an employee who was stealing and had to go through the motions of proving to him that she was doing so, then taking on her work after she was terminated, on top of the many hats i wear.

Please help me. Thanks.
Name calling continued

So being called a nazi is not considered harrassment? What about my ancestral origins? He has created a hostile environment according to another legal expert.
Ok, so now i am laid off after being called a nazi

does that change things at all? what about the fact my boss asked me to procure an illegal state id for one of his investors who wanted to appear younger to save money on a palm springs country club membership? That was part of the conversation, and i was agreeable to do it, when i went into work today he had gone through my office and removed all my notes from our conversation and didn't say a word about it. At three he called me in and said our personalities did not mesh and laid me off.

Anything more i need to know or do?
If you feel you have been discriminated against you can file a complaint with the EEOC. It does not mean anything he did is illegal.

Harassment is legal in the work place. You are only protected by the EEOC if he harassed you based on religion, race, gender, etc.. Harassing you because he did not like you or because you two did not get along is not illegal. If this is a very small company with undr 15 employees you have even less protection. You might be better off just finding another job.
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