YOUR collective answers are food for thought and much appreciated.

I inherited the house, which my mom, a single person, owned outright, via a trust and changed the title to my name at the Reg/rec in LA in June. I am the only heir; therefore, I received everything that she owned; thank goodness that she had no debts, although you would be surprised at how many quacks have come out of the woodwork to try to buy the house from me for a song; one crackpot even mailed a check for a price that was far below market value and then had the audacity to call me on the phone 3 days later to see if I had cashed the check and, if not, why not. HE left a voicemail, too, and several texts. HOW he got my # I will never know, but that is neither here nor there. I found his actions to be rather infuriating.
To return to the insurance issue, I never checked the 2 policies, but I figured, albeit incorrectly, that my mom had them in both of our names, as we held everything in joint tenancy, including the cars, bank savings, accounts at DWP, gas comp, phone, and so on. I changed the name on all of those entities, too, by removing hers, sometimes with affidavits and death certificates.
I also incorrectly concluded that, as I was named as driver on the policy for the 4 cars and lived in the house and was to be the owner upon her death, the house and cars would continue to be insured; the policies, to my way of thinking, were for the cars and house, not for a specific person. I was right to an extent--the coverage is still valid--but I should have notified the carrier.

MY mom, incidentally, paid the full amount for the car and house policies almost a year ago rather than make monthly payments, so in a way, the policies were out of my sight and out of my mind, although that excuse is not worth much consideration.
I notified the insurance carrier yesterday and the rep was very understanding. HE wrote 2 new policies during our 1 hour phone conversation. One sticking point was that he cannot issue the refund for 25% of the home policy in my name, as
zddoodah wrote. WHAT good is a check made out to my late mother? If I had power of atty, I could deposit it at our bank, but obtaining such consent is impossible now. I suggested that he put the money toward the new policy, but he balked at that proposal. Does anyone know of a way for me to get the money for the canceled policy? I would like to have the $300 in my pocket.