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New Member
This may sound like a weird question but can I legally get a tattoo of the NASCAR logo? I do not want to infringe on any laws or get into trouble. Thank you for any help you can give me.

Good article but, like many lawyers, provides no real answer. Here is my insight:

Trademark involves ensuring that the origin of a good can be identified, e.g. that the cola drink you bought is associated with the Pepsi company. If another soft drink, maybe not a cola, used the Pepsi logo but was not the Pepsi Cola Company, then there could be a confusion as to the designation fo the origin of the good.

Let's say we are talking about a picture that uses the logo, which can be sold. We are now talking about financial gain and a potential association with the owner of the logo.

But what about a human body? Is there ever any doubt (at least these days) that the human being is not a product associated with Nascar or the company owning a logo? Of course not. Therefore if you REALLY want to brand yourself with the logo of a company, you probably don't have to worry but do you want to be an advertisement? Indefinitely?
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