NDA vs Free Speech


New Member
I recently settled a discrimination lawsuit with a F500 company that included a NDA. The NDA is not specific. Rather, it simply states that I will keep the amount and terms of the settlement confidential. I am okay with that. However, I've become somewhat of an advocate and have found many articles online that speak to many different aspects of my experience, from the discrimination to the retaliation to the settlement and use of NDAs. So my question is this, can I share these articles via online media and add my opinion or is that violating my NDA? I do not plan to reference names or specific details of my case but rather give my opinion (based on my experience) as a preface to the article. For example, I found an article on how NDAs are used in the advertising industry that speaks to exactly what happened to me in a different industry. Below is the preface I wanted to state before providing the link to the article. Thoughts? Thank you so much in advance for your response.

Fantastic article that highlights how companies bully exiting and former employees into settling lawsuits using nondisclosure agreements. While the article focuses on the advertising industry, this is common across all industries.

Many people think lawsuits and settlements are about money, but as the article points out, for the harassed, it could be a highly charged, emotional issue based on principle and integrity.

Alas, IMHO, the U.S. Justice system is built for those with deep pockets; that is companies, lawyers and individuals with vast financial resources. The average Joe Plaintiff has little recourse to hire a "team" of lawyers or risk the financial cost of a lengthy, complex trial. Companies and their lawyers know this so they squeeze the harassed until the latter has no option but to settle with non-disclosure agreements. This allows the company the ability to present what it wants to its employees and to escape public scrutiny; in essence, to keep its dirty laundry a secret and protect harassers.
So my question is this, can I share these articles via online media and add my opinion or is that violating my NDA?

Be smart, take all of your questions related to your NDA to your lawyer.

Better yet, enjoy your windfall, keep your yapper shut, and live to fight many more days.

The entity that paid you the money is watching you 24/7, eagerly awaiting your breach.

Be smart, don't do stupid stuff.
If your real name is Ray Starr you've already revealed yourself and your idea to your former employer. That doesn't bode well for you.

You would be wise to delete your post and never let your comments see the light of day.
can I share these articles via online media and add my opinion or is that violating my NDA?

Since we haven't read the NDA, we can't speak intelligently about what might violate it. Even if we had read it, it is obviously impossible to opine intelligently about whether some statement violates it without knowing the exact content of the statement.

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