Need advice about step mother

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Thanks for taking the time to read this. I am writing on behalf of my dad who lost his father in Oct. His dad and stepmom were married for about 27 years. Assuming he had a will and left everything to his wife, does my dad have any rights to anything? There is a lot of money and possibly even property at stake. His stepmom called last week and stated "I need to get my will in order so as to leave everything to my kids". These "kids" are my grandfather's step children who were never raised by my grandfather. They married when he was around 58 and her "kids" were already grown and on their own. She did ask my daddy what year her husband divorced his first wife (my dad's mom). By the way, we are in Texas if anyone has any insight, I would greatly appreciate it.

If there was a will leaving everything to his 3rd and current wife, does my dad have any legal recourse if she is willing everything to her kids? She never worked the entire time they were married.

Sorry if I've rambled on. Thanks for any input.
Q: Assuming he had a will and left everything to his wife, does my dad have any rights to anything?

A: It would depend on the terms of the will, if any.

Q: If there was a will leaving everything to his 3rd and current wife, does my dad have any legal recourse if she is willing everything to her kids?

A: She may leave her stuff to whomever she pleases.
Your dad needs to see a probate attorney. If there was a will and everything left to his wife, your dad is probably out of luck.
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