need advice asap

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New Member
My landlady stuck a note in my door last night it wasnt a certfied letter just one she typed and printed
she said she wants to terminate our lease and wants me out by march 31
here my question she accepted march rent from me and i feel i have until april 3rd to get out she has said she will change the locks on march 31 can she do this?

our rent was from the 3rd to the 3rd of each month and we had 2 months left on our lease
I hope u can help me with this as to what to do
No; your landlady cannot change the locks on her own. This would be known as an "illegal eviction". Only a court can grant an actual eviction and until this is done the landlord cannot toss the tenant out, lock them out, etc..

There are steps each state requires that a landlord take before an eviction can be granted. I've attached information on the steps for Texas so you can familiarize yourself with these:

She can change them but she is likely to go to jail for doing so!... Listen to Gail.
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