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I worked for a large company for 12 years, the last 8 of those years was as a manager. I managed three areas up to 100 employees. The first 7 years I was given great performance reviews, and was being trained to move up the ladder. I started having serious issues with my 13 yr old daughter (mental health issues) which required me to take time off work. One the days that I had to be out of the building for an appointment, I always worked it out with my assistant and so there was coverage and I did make up my hours. (typical day being 10 hrs). Aboutt he same time that I was having these issues, we also got a new building manager in. Once that happened, which was about a year 1/2 ago, my manager (OPS manager) started riding me really hard about every single detail. It was almost everyday that she was pulling me in the office and telling me I was not doing something right. As you can imagine this was exteremly frustrating. Some of the issues were ligitmate issues as its hard to stay focused when you have problems going in your personal life as well. I was given a clarificatioin of expectations in 12/04. My performance review in 04/05 said I was meeting expectaions for Primary and associate job duties but not leadership and communication. Early May of 05, my OPS manager approaced me and told me that she has not be giving me the support I have needed nor has she been a good leader. The end of May, things at home with my daughter were bad and I had shared this with her, she told me I had to take time off to get things in order and when I got back, my expectations would be laid out the table. Bascially they told me that I had to choose between my job and my child. I took a FMLA and returned to work on July 5th with the understanding that on the 21st I had to have that day off and would use vacation as my daughter had a court hearing and I was told it would not be a problem. On 7/7, two days after my return, I was again given a clarification of expectation due to my opportunities apparently before I took a leave of absence. My FMLA was up on 7/21. They would not give me that day off which they had told me they would. When I was on my way out the door for the court hearing, the pulled me in and told me that due to my lack of leadership skills they were removing me from my position.

At the same time this was happening, there was a discrimination complaint that my employee had filed against the employer as there were things that happened while I was on my LOA. I was questioned while on my FMLA and when I returned. At this point I had no clue what was going on, I just answered the questions the best that I could.

After I had been let go, I was informed by my employees that their was a "gag" order in place. No one could bring up my name or talk about me or they would lose their jobs. I don't understand how they can do this. When I was asked to step out of my position I was offered two other positions in building with A LOT less pay, so I said no. I worked for this company for 12 years. I asked about a severence pkg and was told no, I didn't meet the guidelines but no one would tell me what those were.

The employee that had filed the complaint was told that they would give him 5000 to move to Flordia and work at the plant there, he said no, so he was let go, after much fighting he was able to get a severance package.

Something with this entire thing just does not feel right to me. I would appreciate any feedback.

*My budget was below plan
*My Cost per piece was .02 below plan
*My quality was up from last year
*My employees where happy and there was good morale in the area.
Obviously it would be unlawful to remove you from your position because you took FMLA but by your own admission, you were having job performance problems and your employer made it clear on several occasions (well before you took FMLA) that you were not meeting expectations for leadership and communications. As far as I can tell, nothing illegal has taken place regarding their removing you from your position and offering you your choice of two other lower paying jobs.

The situation with the employee who made some sort of discrimination complaint has nothing to do with your situation.
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