2 years ago I worked as a Production Manager of a mid-sized company and came into regular altercations with a Senior Account Manager. We just didn't get along in fact we really disliked each other. After an altercation in which he slammed an office door with enough force to crack it in half (which also hit me) he was terminated. As an account manager he is/was bound by a non-compete contract in which he is not allowed to solicit to the companies customers, which he proceeded to do. I lost track of this individual, as I was glad he was gone and four months later I resigned from the company for greener pastures myself. Last week I was mailed a complaint in which I am named as an individual along with my old company for Title VII discrimination. He is of Arab descent. In the complaint he makes me out to be a rabid racist, stating that I verbally attacked him daily with insults aimed at his origin. He further states that I made derogatory remarks against other races as well. In the 5 count complaint he names me as an individual in 4 of the counts, which include. Retaliation under Title VII, Discrimination under U.S.C. 29 1981, Descrimination under DCHRA and Retaliation under DCHRA. I am in the middle of hiring a lawyer but am very nervous, I have never been sued and the thought of the money to mount a defense and the nightmare of possibly losing this case scares me. He is asking for punitive damages of an exorbitant amount. Some things to point out are that I was not his supervisor. I had no ability to hire, fire, promote, demote or influence his employment in anyway. In essence I was a co-worker and nothing more. Which gets me off the Title VII because there is no allowance for individual liability. But I think I can be sued individually under the DCHRA. I have already contacted character witnesses that used to work for me at that company but according to my lawyer they probably will not help much. Another thing to note is that I was never counseled or reprimanded by the company for anything, especially discrimination. I spoke to my old companies lawyers figuring it was in their best interest to help defend me assuming I lose, I imagine they will lose more. But they were absolutely no help, and almost seemed like they wanted to distance themselves from me. I think I have a good chance to beat this, but I don't know much about the law. Does anyone have any advice? Also does anyone know what happens if I did lose this case and was forced to pay some exorbitant amount of money to this guy in penalties? Can they take my house? How does this work?
Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.
Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.