Personal Bankruptcy need advice on 2nd mortgage and dismissing bankruptcy

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I am currently in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and finally received a permanent modification from Bank of America on my 1st mortgage and was approved by the trustee. *My 2nd mortgage is with Realtime Solutions. I'm about $3100 behind on mortgage payments with them and can no longer afford to continue making my Bankruptcy payments of $2200. I just want to save my home, they can have everything else. Should I seek a modification with Realtime solutions before or after I ask to be dismissed from bankruptcy? I need to keep my home but get out of paying Bankruptcy. What should I do? My Lawyer states that I have to catch up with my 2nd mortgage in order to file a chapter 7. I feel that instead of making $2200 payments to bankruptcy, I can take half of that and get caught up on my 2nd mortgage in about 4 months or file for a modification. They want me to pay $2200 in two weeks and I cant afford to do so, it will probably get dismissed anyway in two weeks. My Lawyer won't help answer my question, she just said "pay it" and walked away.
I agree, pay it is the easiest thing to do.
If its dismissed, you are at risk to foreclosure, again.
You should heed the great advice the lawyer you hired gave you.
Bankruptcy is protecting you.
If the BK is dismissed, what do you think RealTime will do?
If your lawyer told you to pay it, she did answer your question. Generally it is always best to follow your lawyer's advice.
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