Need Advice on an Accident

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New Member
I just recently got into an accident coming home from work this Saturday. My steering wheel malfunctioned and i ended up hitting another car. the damage on both cars is only minor.

While waiting for the tow truck, took off the cover to the steering column and examined the steering column shaft. Every thing was connected properly as far as i could tell going into the fire wall. The steering wheel would turn freely in any direction but the wheels wouldn't move. My guess is that the column disconnect where it meets the actual control arms of the front suspension.

Now i just had my front and rear suspension replaced and just got the vehicle back last Monday. Can i sue the auto shop that worked on my car?
You may sue anyone for anything. But to win you must prove your case. Can you prove the auto shop contributed to you having the accident?
I meant to say, "Can you prove negligence of the auto shop contributed to your having the accident."
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