New Member
I was just served a summons on Saturday for a credit card that I have not been able to pay. I have been only able to work sporadically for the past 2 years and have not worked at all since August. I am now on disabilty retirement at the age of 48 due to severe and debilitating arthritis. Now the question is what do I do, the credit card debt with late fees and other penalties is now nearly $7,000. I don"t have that kind of money and no hopes of getting that amount of money. My question is what are my legal options and what will happen to me if I can't pay this money. My hearing is set in court for the 5th of June but I am going to opt to not attend since I can't contest that I owe this money and I would lose anyway. Please help I have worked hard all my life and I have always tried to live within my means and the law but I'm panicked about this situation. Thanks for listening. :nuts