Need advice quick on court summons

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New Member
I was just served a summons on Saturday for a credit card that I have not been able to pay. I have been only able to work sporadically for the past 2 years and have not worked at all since August. I am now on disabilty retirement at the age of 48 due to severe and debilitating arthritis. Now the question is what do I do, the credit card debt with late fees and other penalties is now nearly $7,000. I don"t have that kind of money and no hopes of getting that amount of money. My question is what are my legal options and what will happen to me if I can't pay this money. My hearing is set in court for the 5th of June but I am going to opt to not attend since I can't contest that I owe this money and I would lose anyway. Please help I have worked hard all my life and I have always tried to live within my means and the law but I'm panicked about this situation. Thanks for listening.:eek: :o :nuts
The before the court will be whether you owe the money.

Whether you can pay it is irrelevant.

The creditor will try every way it can to collect. If you have nothing, of course, then there is no way you can pay back what you promised to pay.
i would file an answer, irrespective of your ability to pay. the creditor's attorney can apply for a default judgment by the clerk (at least in CA) if you fail to respond. a default judgment is just as valid as one obtained through a contested trial. who knows, maybe the attorney for the creditor will fail to appear and the matter will get dismissed.
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