Need advice


New Member
New Jersey
Hi I'm new here... I have a friend that knows someone who is selling stolen goods.. He saids is a group of them two of them that take it out of the refrigeration warehouse and three of them that sell the merchandise. The warehouse is in NJ and they sell in NJ and in NYC. Mainly in NYC is where they sell the most to supermarkets and restaurants. Now my question is if they get caught what will be their charges? Will it be a misdemeanor or a felony and how much jail time will they do? The merchandise is an aproximate cost of over $1200 and they do this once or twice a week? He is unsure if he should report it because he doesn't want to be involved in having to go testify. Can someone help me please?
If he reports it he may never have to testify. With the information of what is happening police can catch them in the act and not require his testimony in court. Nobody would ever have to know.

What you describe would likely support multiple felony charges that bring stiff fines and jail time.
No one can predict how the DA will feel about the case, what evidence might support which charges, and or what penalty might be assessed should the accused be found guilty.
Can someone help me please?

It's not clear to me why you might need any help in connection with this situation (unless your "friend" is really you). I agree with what "ElleMD" wrote (except to say that what you've described is clearly felonious), and I don't see why the answers to your questions really matter. Whether or not your "friend" reports what he knows is a moral/ethical dilemma that he'll have to sort out for himself.
Can someone help me please?

Stay away from ALL thieves (actually ALL criminals) and their scams.


You might get swept up in something you never had a hand in doing.

If someone starts to tel you about crimes they are committing, excuse yourself and walk away.

If the person persists in blabbing, tell him/her, "Sorry, I don't want to hear about that."

Do you remember the curious cat?
The merchandise is an aproximate cost of over $1200 and they do this once or twice a week?

Then the value of the stolen goods is a lot more than $1200. You're getting this information second hand or maybe third hand, so you really can't say what's happening.

If your friend doesn't want to "get involved" then he should mind his own business.
Hi there: First off,an Attorney would have to be contacted in NYC,and New Jersey,to know the specifics of what the exact charges would be,and allowable punishment.It most likely a felony,but really doesn't matter because we are talking about multiple counts of theft,and as many as can be proved by the prosecutor,they are all looking at some serious jail time.
As far as your friend reporting it,he can report it as a Confidential Informant,and never have to testify.He could also call "Crime Stoppers,and leave an anonymous tip.Other than that,just leave it alone.

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