Need answers about a government job.

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I live in Indiana. Back in July, of this year, the local Navy base posted a job opening for explosive handlers, in our local paper. I applied for the position. Also I told a good friend about it. He was living in St. Louis at the time. He also applied for the position. Neither of us heard anything until November. When he was called and told to report for a physical and orientation (was NOT interviewed). I however was not called.

When I called them to inquire I was told the "roster pool" from that posting had been exhausted. Which I thought was strange since I'd not been contacted. She said that they had posted the job again and that I should re-apply. So I have. Their website once again says I am "under consideration" like it did in August (after applying in July).

Some information on myself and my friend. Both of us are military veterans. But he has a general discharge, and I have an honorable. Thus I should be eligable for veteran pref hiring 5 points (which I applied for in the application online). And my friend should not be. Also the job involves the manufacture and warehousing of munitions. I have 3 years in a warehouse, and almost 7 years on a manufacturing line working for General Electric. My friend was a security guard for 13 years. So not only should I have work job related work experience over him but also the veteran preference. It gets worse....

When my friend reported for orientation he met his fellow new hires. A couple of them were 18-20 year olds. With no military background. BUT they did have relatives/parents already employed at the base. How did they have experience over me? My friend also says that none of them went through an interview process either. Speaking with some other people that are currently working there. They got hired on due to having someone (good friend/relative) already employeed there at the base.

I'm tired of the "good old boy" hiring practices in the private sector. And I'd thought, that when going for a government job, I wouldn't have to deal with it. But guess I was wrong. My question is what, if anything, should/can I do?

Additional information - Even though this is a Navy base. The job is actually for the Department of the Army. The website (where I applied) is

Again I think my work experience (even leaving out the vet pref) would place me above someone just out of high school?
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