need certified death certificate with cause of death


New Member
my son committed suicide Jan 10, 2015 in Tennessee. His body was brought back to Illinois and buried Jan.22,2015. A certificate of death was sent . It stated pending investigation. No cause of death was stated. The insurance company states they need this information to process the claim since it was well pass the 2 yr. clause .After contacting Tennessee Vital Records I was told it could take up to 6 months for the coroner to complete this report. This seems an awful long time to finalize the death certificate. Please advise me of my next step. Whom should I contact in Tennessee? HELP
If the police are investigating a death, it can take time for a cause of death to be determined.
You can find out more, maybe, by contacting the coroner, the police or sheriff, the prosecutor in the area where he died.

One of those entities can advise you further. Sometimes they won't say much, but that says a bunch, too. That means things are being investigated.

I wish you well.
I suspect OP means that the policy itself had a 2-year "look back" when it comes to suicide. If he didn't die until Jan 2015, clearly there was nothing to claim 2 years ago.

OP, believe it or not it can take 6 months (and longer) for the manner of death to be established and become part of the official record. There's no harm in you calling though, to be a polite little squeaky wheel.

Have a look here:
I worked for a life ins. co. & a death cert. stating cause of death was always required before paying a claim. It seems son died 2015.

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