Need Help Bad Please Asap

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I have court tomarrow for a traffic violation. This is what happened a officer pulled me because I was putting my seatbelt on while exiting a 7-Eleven parking lot. The officer stated he was going to write me a warning tickete but after calling in my tag # I had a old lapse of insurance from a year ago. The lapse lasted for 2 - 3 months but I did get insurance reinstated. However in Maryland if you let your insurance lapse there is a fine. By the time I found out about the fine it had grown to $600. When the officer said I had the lapse he also said my tags had been marked in the system so he had to take them off the car and impound it. So I had to pay the $600 for new tags and the $250 impound fee that day to get my car back which I did. On top of the $850 I have paid I also have a tickete for $280 is there anything I could do to get the ticket dropped or fine reduced? Please help I can't afford to give MD state all my money.
Perhaps in your state you can be pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt. IN Montana, that dog dont' hunt!

He had no probable cause to stop you, as there was no breach of peace, no victim, no complaint signed, no felony warrent.

If you need an example of a little dialog to tear this cop appart on the stand, let me know.
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