Need help desperately- False positive drug test

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I am a commercial truck driver in California. Please let me start by saying that I have never, ever, in my entire life taken a single drug. Nothing! Not even alcohol or a plain old cigarette. However, I tested positive last week in a random drug test for marijuana. I had a split sample test and it came back positive too. I have no idea how this happened and no one is willing to help me.

I was fired from my job and now I am being told that I cannot get a job driving until I complete drug rehab program. They will not give me any access to the sample bottles for me to confirm that they are the samples that I signed, or for independent testing.

I am told that I have no rights and will be branded a drug user on a national reporting system for truck drivers, which will make it impossible for me to get a job driving for at least 3 years.

I need legal help. I went to my doctor today to see if there are any medical reasons for this test to have come back positive, he is running test. Also, I went and had an independent fed drug test taken today and waiting for results. But, the DOT said none of this will matter even if it disputes their findings.

How can I prove my innocence if no one will let me? How can they take away my right to earn a living?

Is there any attorneys in or around Orange county that can help me and my family? I do not have the money to pay a large retainer but I need help desperately.

Can anyone help?
Drug tests almost always test for the metabolites of drugs, not the drugs themselves. They split the sample because they do a preliminary test. If that is positive, they do more in-depth testing with the other sample (such as GCMS). There should be a dispute procedure available for contesting the results. I would suggest contacting a DUI/DWI attorney in your area. Are you in a union job? Most unions will provide help with things of this nature, and may help you find an attorney. If not, you will have to find an attorney yourself.
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