Need help i hurt

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I do contract labor for a cleaning company.I get paid once a month they take out 3 dollars a month for liability insurance.On july 5th iwas on a job it was 5:30 in the morning.I was taking out thr trash ther is 4 steps i have to go down well i lost my footing and down i wenti fell on my back.There was no one around so i went on about my bussiness.Well come thursday my back and ribs hurt so bad i can hardly breath. my qoestion is is it to late to do anthing about it or what can i do i have no insurance.
You can file a workman's compensation case with the agency that handles it in your state. You should tell your employer what happened and they will investigate and document your claim.

Contact your boss and tell him/her what happened. If necessary, you can go to the emergency room and get treatment. Just tell them you were injured on the job. They'll treat you and get the paperwork started, too. Bur, be sure and tell your employer ASAP.

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Something doesn't sound right. When you say "liability insurance", are you talking about Worker's Compensation? Are you an employee or an independent contractor? Are taxes deducted from your checks?
Something doesn't sound right. When you say "liability insurance", are you talking about Worker's Compensation? Are you an employee or an independent contractor? Are taxes deducted from your checks?
I also feel the same. I wish the OP would have given more facts so he can be advised properly.
My best guess is the OP is an independent contractor and the $3.00 may be for bonding insurance.

If this is true, then the OP may only have a claim against the owner of the property she was cleaning at the time of the accident.

She would be well advised to bring this to the attention of the cleaning company immediately.
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