need help in a nervous way

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i was married about 5 years ago but while i was suppose to show up for court while i was in the hospital. i ended up forgeting it and never thought about it until my friend said he had one. my charge was domestic violence but the charges were dropped to a misdameanor and i payed the fines. but it been five years and i have kids and a wife now and im afrraid that if i turn myself in i will go to jail and i cant afford to go to jail now cause i am a teacher and if i do i will lose my job help please
If you failed to appear how is it you know charge was lowered and you paid fines? Normally a failure to appear results in a warrant which could spring up and bite you in the rear at anytime. If you value your current lifestyle then find an Attorney and see what can be done.
cause i remember that i went to court foir it once and thats when the charges were dropped to a misdemenor and then for my second one i went to the hospital and was in there for a week
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