Need help in Dispute over Desceased Fathers Possessions

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New Member
My father passed away without leaving a will or real estate, he did however leave many possessions, including a set of cards that when he was alive did explicitly tell me that they would fall under my possession in case of his death. However, I was not next of kin due to the fact that he was still "Legally" married to my stepmother (I am second in line for being the oldest living offspring). They were involved in separation proceedings but he died before the work could be finalized. Now, she is withholding this collection from me for no apparent reason except in spite. I will not get into the details of my relationship with my step mother, but sufficed to say, it is very strained. That card collection is my most treasured memory of my father, and I am desperate to get it back. Are there any legal options for me to gain this through civil action?
It depends on state law. You can go to the probate court and open probate and demand an accounting of his possessions and debts from her. That is the only way you can proceed unless you want to buy them.
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