Need help prior to legal action against me by landlord

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New Member
Do I have any legal recourse if I have the rent money due, but only after the 3 day notice has passed?

Mind you I also have next month's rent ready as well. I have been living here for almost three years and this is the first time I'm late and I'm only late on the current month July.

If I do not have an argument then is there a way I can somehow have it so that this will not go on my credit record?

Thanks in advance.
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Explain something: Are you in fact behind on your rent?
Yes I am. I wrote a check for the usual amount and handed it on the second or third of the month, within the the three days of normal rent pay.

About 12 to 14 days after this they informed me that the check didn't clear which I wasn't aware of until that point. Two days after that they gave me the three day notice on a Friday.

The next day, Saturday, I spoke to the new manager and said I'd probably have the money after the three days. She said she would make a note of it, but she didn't know what her superiors in the company would do.

As I could not get money on the spot from work, my family sent me money by wire transfer from abroad, money arrived on Tuesday. This was a day too late so they wouldn't take the rent.

Do I have any argument that I was this late because of the management not telling me till two weeks later that there was a problem? Or can I argue that the three day warning came on a weekend thus delaying the wire transfer by a day which is by how much I was late?

Thanks again.
I'm late on July rent, I've told them I'd pay both July and August rent on the spot to make it up to date. They refuse, saying it's a legal matter now even though I have not yet received any legal document.

I'm reading about all these people having to pay late fees and such while in my case they went straight to eviction despite the fact that I was never late before and have never received complaints before.

Also they are going to sue me for 3 months' rent for being late on one which is what it says on the lease plus court fees despite the fact that I'm willing to pay both August and July rent and move out, I just don't want it to go to trial and on my credit.
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