Ryan B from kc

New Member
My apartment keeps flooding every time it rains, its happened for 6 months. they knew it was an issue before we moved in, that they thought they fixed. nothing has been done besides a dehumidifier, but yet they keep saying they thought they fixed it. there is an electrical outlet that is on that wall and the entire wall has water damage which leads me to believe its coming down the wall, prob where the chimney is located. that creates an electrical shock hazard and fire hazard for me an my pets. my brand new couch gets soaked all along the bottom half every time it happens, and they most they have offered to do is get it cleaned, but fail to address the water damage issue its causing. every time this happens I have to shut down the business I own to take care of the issue and that puts me out that days revenue. plus the amount of stress and anxiety its creating is starting to take a toll on me, and put me in emotional distress. they originally said they would prob prorate us for the inconvenience but still nothing, and this has been going on for 6 months. I feel I should be let out the lease, prorated for those months since they have failed to live up to their end of the deal since its almost unlivable, have my couch fully repaired or replaced if it cannot be fully restored, plus pay for a moving company and possible reimbursed for the money I'm out from having to shut down my business... I'm not sure if anything can be done due to the emotional distress its causing but if so then that too. its really been causing my ptsd symptoms to flare up, as I am a combat veteran. my anger and stress issues have been through the roof and really causing issues in my daily life and work life. I feel totally disrespected.

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