Copyright Need help with copyright possibilities for a game idea


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US Federal Law
I want to create a theatre management game and don't know if I can add titles and dances of pre-existing plays. I am fine with slightly altering the play title, and was planning on creating unique music and costumes, but I am worried about copyright infringement for the dance moves. I was wondering if dance routines are able to be trademarked, and if so how I should go about animating them without issues, or if I should just make my own original choreography and musicals for the game.
, or if I should just make my own original choreography and musicals for the game.

Make your own or make sure the material is in the public domain or get written consent.

That's the safest course of action.

Any time you use somebody else's work you risk having to spend tens of thousands of dollars on defending a lawsuit even if you are right.
add . . . dances of pre-existing plays.

What does this mean?

Do you mean that characters in the game will be dancing, and you're considering copying choreography from real plays?

I was wondering if dance routines are able to be trademarked

"Copyright" and "trademark" are different things, and neither word is properly used as a verb.

Trademark law protects words, pictures, etc. that indicate the source of a product or service. Your situation doesn't implicate trademark law.

Copyright law protects works of authorship. The subject of copyright is enumerated in section 102 of the Copyright Act and includes "pantomimes and choreographic works."

how I should go about animating them without issues, or if I should just make my own original choreography and musicals for the game.

It's no different than if you want to use existing music. You need permission or will be subject to being sued. Otherwise, make up your own choreography and music. As far as the names of musicals, that's where trademark law may come into play. Using Les Miserables or Come from Away without permission will get you sued.

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