Need help with parental rights

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2 Summers ago, I was hanging out and one of my friends said I got drunk and had sex with him, I would have been 17 or 18 and he was 14 or 15. He always used that as leverage to get me to sleep with him again. I never told anyone what I was doing, I believed it was wrong. I was a legal adult and he was not. 16 months ago I got pregnant with his child, I was 19 when my son was born, and he was still underaged. The baby's father took off, claiming he wanted nothing more and I needed to "get over it." Now I have a seven month old son and my baby's father's family is asking me to make contact, bring the baby, ect My brother got a message from one of his family members asking for contact "or else." Being as I never reported this I need to know what could or will happen to me and my son. I don't want him taken away because I was too ashamed to say anything. I am terrified that if I hand him over I will never see him again. How do you tell someone that you were an "adult" and a "child" over-powered you? Please, I just need to know my options
If he has not signed either birth certificate or birth acknowledgment he is not child's "legal Father" and thus has no rights to visitation. On other hand though by having sex with him (hes underage) you have comitted a crime (rape) which could land you in prison or force you to register as sex offender for life. He clearly has leverage in this case. I suggest you talk to an Attorney on how best to deal with this. keep in mind if he is proven Father he will have rights to visitation custody etc. You of course will have right to seek child support as well
Here is your states Statutory rape law. Keep in mind it is not only charge they could file and your looking at multiple counts possible (one for each sex act)


§ 609. 342 et seq.
First-degree criminal sexual conduct is sexual penetration with a victim under age 13 and an actor more than 36 months older.

Third-degree criminal sexual conduct is sexual penetration with (1) a victim under age 13 and an actor no more than 36 months older or (2) a victim age 13 to 16 and an actor more than 24 months older.
Up to 30 years in prison

Up to 15 years in prison. But under the second part of the crime, if the actor is between 24 and 48 months older, up to five years in prison
I suggest you forget how you got pregnant. It will bring you nothing but grief if you open your mouth.

You're the only legal parent your child has. If you make contact with the putative papa's people trouble will not be far behind.

There is no way a kid could support the child. On the other hand, a DNA test will prove you to be guilty of rape, chd molestation, or some other felonious sex offense.

You could lose your baby, your freedom, and be forever branded as a pervert and sexual offender. If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut. I'd keep my whereabouts secret, and I wouldn't visit the family of my alleged victim.

Sometimes you gotta keep your guilt and your secrets to yourself. But, know this, if you do speak up; it's gonna cost you a price you'll forever regret paying!!!!
I suggest you forget how you got pregnant. It will bring you nothing but grief if you open your mouth.

You're the only legal parent your child has. If you make contact with the putative papa's people trouble will not be far behind.

There is no way a kid could support the child. On the other hand, a DNA test will prove you to be guilty of rape, chd molestation, or some other felonious sex offense.

You could lose your baby, your freedom, and be forever branded as a pervert and sexual offender. If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut. I'd keep my whereabouts secret, and I wouldn't visit the family of my alleged victim.

Sometimes you gotta keep your guilt and your secrets to yourself. But, know this, if you do speak up; it's gonna cost you a price you'll forever regret paying!!!!

Good Job advising the child molester!!
Now wait a minute y'all - I think you are being a bit unfair. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that this "boy" could be much bigger than this girl, despite their ages, and it's not impossible that she could have been forced or coerced... If that is the case, she should have reported it. It's just a bit unfair to be calling her a molester when it's quite possible she wasn't the instigator at all...
Now wait a minute y'all - I think you are being a bit unfair. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that this "boy" could be much bigger than this girl, despite their ages, and it's not impossible that she could have been forced or coerced... If that is the case, she should have reported it. It's just a bit unfair to be calling her a molester when it's quite possible she wasn't the instigator at all...

Children, those under the age of majority (or in many states, those younger than 16 years old) can't consent.

If this child was BIGGER, she could have and should have called "911".

I'm sure she would have done so if the child had been 30 years old.

Bottom line, she said she consented to sex with this kid.

The kid can't legally consent to sex with an adult.
They were both minors when the relationship began. Once the boy turned 16 he was legally capable of giving consent.
With the age difference between the two this may not be a crime- it would depend if the actual age difference is within two years and if the female was in a position of authority, which apparently she wasn't. This is a misdemeanor offense at best, and both the boy and girl are victims. It is highly unlikely any DA would try to prosecute them. This is not an offense that would require sex offender registration.

mushrgrl- You don't have to worry about their threats of "or else". If they want to go through the procedures to establish paternity then so be it, deal with that when it comes. Until then you owe them nothing, and you are probably best off to avoid the situation. It won't have a good result.
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