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I am being discriminated against my weight and height. For the past 3 years I work for a security company using there SUV to travel the state to check up on my guards. We have 2 SUV's, but they are now at out client's property for the guards to use. The company bought a new vehicle, but I am unable to fit in it. I was told to stay out of work until the figure out what to do, but they wont pay me. I was just informed they are going to lower my pay by $2.00 per hour if I am not back at work. I gave them suggestions, like switching the vehicles for our SUV or using my vehicle if I got paid miles. They shot both ideas down. Now everything is being said through email, so I have all this documentation. I know I can file unemployment and file a complaint with human rights dept., but I need an attorney to sue them. Legal aid wont help, because of over income and most attorney want $350 just for consultation. ANY IDEAS OR STEPS TO TAKE?
Could you please tell us what state you're in? Also, if there are more than fifteen employees in the company you work for, have you filed a charge yet with the EEOC? It would be a good first step, as this filing may be required if you plan to sue your employer for discrimination. I believe that some of this filing can be done online.
EEOC is more than likely out of the question since being tall is not a protected category, however there may be a remedy in state law Connecticut imposes this duty of good faith and fair dealing in the context of employment contracts.

If an attorney can find an implied or express contract you may have a case if the terms were breached.
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Weight and height are not protected characteristics under the EEOC; nor is it protected under any state law exception Michigan (the District of Columbia offers protection for personal appearance, which can include but is not limited to weight and height). So a discrimination suit is not going to fly unless you are in Michigan or DC.

The only option I see for you, and it's not a sure thing, is the one GH suggests.
CBG and GH are, of course, correct re: weight/height as an isolated factor for discrimination. I am presuming [perhaps wrongly] that the OP might be claiming weight as a discriminatory factor under the ADA.
If his weight is sufficient to qualify as morbidly obese he is free to make that claim. I can see, however, where his employer might have some liability concerns at least with having his use his own vehicle as an accomodation.
I am based in Connecticut, but the company headquarters is in Atlanta.
There are hundreds of employees in Ct and thousands around the country.
I had placed a call, but they are back up and will call me back on Monday
to file a complaint. Yes I can file as I was told by labor dept.. A New course
had just been taking. I was told they are now lowering my position and pay and I was told to call this other supervisor for work. I was told there is no work, but other employees have been telling me that my supervisor is going around making fun
of me and this is the person that is suppose to give me work!
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