Need Help

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New Member
hi i need some advice if anyone could point me in the right direction tht would be great

her is my situation

I rented a house a few months ago and i put my roommate on the lease as well as a good friend of mine for a cosigner.

my roommate has just up and left and is no where to be found I am trying to terminate the lease for the end of the mnth cause i can not afford this place on my own and i dont want the land lord to go after the cosigner who is pissed of at me for all of this but i trying to do the right thing and get out so the land lord can get someone in the house who will be able to pay. the land lord is fine with me leaving at the end of the mnth if we all sign but we are lacking 1 person is there anyway around this
Your landlord is being very generous. It is not up to them to find someone to take your place but rather it's your responsibility to do this.

What have you done to find another tenant?

nothing as of yet because she said not to worry they will find the tenants they want. i am leaving the place clean and repainted for them cause tht is wht she has asked me to do even though there was nothing in the lease about repainting when i moved out. what i am wondering is if one tenant takes off can we still terminate the lease with out them signing off as well.
Yes but in this case it would be better for everyone involved (and still around) to sign off that the landlord agrees to this solution of letting you out of the lease and not charging you (or the co-signer) later with owed rent/legal fees.

Not sure why the co-signer is "pissed". They need to be aware of what could happen should they agree to co-sign for someone.

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