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New Member
live in west virginia, i went to the doctor to get some meds for stds like gono and clamydia , which it burned to pee and itched, i just recently informed my past partner that i might of gotten it from her, and she said shed do a test and get court papers for harrassment, whats going to happen?
live in west virginia, i went to the doctor to get some meds for stds like gono and clamydia , which it burned to pee and itched, i just recently informed my past partner that i might of gotten it from her, and she said shed do a test and get court papers for harrassment, whats going to happen?

Well, this is a first for me.

(Watch how adroitly I address this, my friends.)

I hope your fire hose is no longer burning, dude.

If she said she's going to get an order of protection, let her get it.

She's already infected you once, are you trying to get infected again?

I didn't think so, so leave her alone.

Just ban yourself from having any contact with her.

Do not call her, visit her, text her, email her, send smoke signals to her, send her telegrams, or even send her notes via carrier pigeon. (This is the way I say it when I sit on the bench performing my pro tem judge duties, sweet huh?)

Got it?

Good, and most of all, do NOT ever (that means for the rest of your natural life) have sex with her!

But, if you follow my advice, there would never be a possibility of that happening!!!!!

Goodness gracious, I am good at this!!!!! :cheer: :coolio:
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Lmao, aj!!!

cbg, this is a new year.

I've got to freshen up my routine.

Maybe all of us should freshen up our routines?

Just sayin', yo! (Staying in touch with our younger clientele, cbg. My grandson says it, but it sounds cool when he says it. When I type it, it just looks weird. :dunno: )


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