The properties driveway is accessed through the churches parking lot. There has never been an easement given to the property, so the church has decided to vote on whether or not to grant an easement. Is there a way we can force an easement?
You should end deliberations regarding this property.
Yes, people do obtain easements based upon "necessity", because there is no other way for the owners (and their guests) to enter or exit the property.
However, those that seek such an easement aren't always successful.
If I encountered the issue you're facing, I'd simply look at other properties that don't pose such challenges.
As you appear to be posting from NC, this NC real estate law firm discusses an "implied easement" -AKA- "easement of necessity":
North Carolina Easement Law
Another good read by another NC Law Firm discussing your predicament:
Landlocked in NC: 4 Possible Easements Solutions
The driveway is already there it just happens to join the parking lot.
This "permission" could be ended summarily at the church's discretion.
That might happen before you go to court seeking an "impled easment" -AKA- "easement of necessity".
By the way, thank you for asking these questions forcing me to recall my law school PropLaw/Real Estate days, and Professors Dillard and Schlock.
They pounded some knowledge into my Cream of Rice filled cranium.