Need help.

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Hello I am from San Antonio Tx in the US. I have a question that I hope someone may be able to help me with. A couple of houses down from my mothers house is an empty lot. The people who lived there had their home condemed and the city tore it down. I am interested in buying this land but I am unable to locate the owners. I have called the county offices as well as city offices. However they have the same name and address as I do. Which is the address of the land I want to buy. I contacted the tax office and noticed that he owes back taxes. It is being researched by an atterony already. My question is this How can I go about purchasing this piece of land? My email address is any information will be helpful.:)
Why don't you ask your attorney? The owner of the land is the person listed. If you send a letter it may be forwarded to the current address or forwarded address. Simply because back taxes are owed doesn't mean the government seizes the land and you can buy it. If the owner is unavailable, e.g. insane, it may be a difficult and arduous process to both locate the owner and find the proper party with which to make a deal. The investigation is really in your hands and how to deal with it, e.g. hiring an investigator, is up to you. Why not start with a letter?
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