Need Legal advice about a deceptive practice charges I got.

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New Member
I got ticketed last week for four counts of deceptive practice for writing for bad checks on an account that was closed by my mother.

Should I get a lawyer or just pay the damn fine?
It never hurts to run the situation by a lawyer - they "might" be able to get you a better outcome. You might even be able to get an initial consultation for free.
You might want to read the information on this legal blog run by a couple IL lawyers residing in DuPage County:

You could be facing a felony charge if the amount(s) exceeded $150, or because you issued checks on a closed account several in a 90 day period.

If you're smart, plead not guilty, hire a lawyer; (if unable to do so financially, request a public defender).
Then stand on your right to remain silent.

Whatever you do, don't admit to anything or confess to anything. Don't try to pay a fine, because this could end up in prison or jail time!!!!
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