My given last name was Borne. My mother remarried when I was 8, and under adult influence, I opted to carry the name of the man my mother was going to marry(adoption). Anyway, after that, the court records were sealed, and after many yrs, I've moved from N.Y. to Florida. I held the last name out of confusion as to how I could change it back to my given name, but now that I'm to marry, I severely have a need to change it. if not for family reasons, i want it back as it's my heritage and it belongs to me.
My mother has remarried, and I'm stuck scratching my head wondering why I'm stuck with a name that will only hurt any chance of me having a family tree?
I seriously need help, guidance as to how I can "reclaim" my given name. as i said, all i know is that it was in ny, broome county, and i was 8...and the court records were sealed by the judge.
My mother has remarried, and I'm stuck scratching my head wondering why I'm stuck with a name that will only hurt any chance of me having a family tree?
I seriously need help, guidance as to how I can "reclaim" my given name. as i said, all i know is that it was in ny, broome county, and i was 8...and the court records were sealed by the judge.
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