Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant need some advice on first time possesion of marijuana in mich

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To make a long story short. I was riding with my brother in his car he stopped at a friends house bought an eighth of marijiana upon returning to the vehical my brother handed me the bag I put it in my pocket . before pulling away we both noticed an undercover car across the street facing our location.we proceded to leave pulled out of the parking lot to be immediatly stoped officers approched the car opening the doors ordring us out of the vehical we did what we were told right away we were both searched of course they found me in possesion of marijuana.i was handcuffed and was being questioned by the officer I chose not to answer any questions and confronted the officer on my miranda he told me not to be telling him about reading me my miranda I then said am i under arrest he said yes. and then he proceded to still question me I told him i was not answering any questions and did not My question is .1 were my rights violated 2 was this illegal search and seizure . NOTE. These officers did not tell us why we were stoped in the first place we were told nothing at all about anything I have just recieved my apperance date for nov 6 pleas help
If they didn't see you put the marijuana in your pocket, they couldn't technically search you for it.

They violated your rights.
You are correct!!!

Those officers did violate your rights as a citizen. They are suppose to tell you your rights before answering any questions. Did you receive a fine? If so I think your brother should pay for it since it was his bud. I mean you should of placed the herb in your bra so that they couldn't search you there
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